Как добавить и удалить проверяющих

A trip reviewer is someone (often a manager) who reviews employee trips taken on the company account. All trip reviewers will receive an email every Monday morning (Pacific Time) with a link to review all trips taken the previous 30 days. The timing and frequency of the weekly trip email can’t be changed.

Trip reviewers can flag any out-of-policy trips to request more information from employees who took the trips.


  • Reviewers will receive a weekly email to review trips. Clicking “Review Trips” in the email will take them to a login page where they will be required to login with regular Uber account credentials. After login, reviewers will be able to review and resolve flagged trips.
  • You can have multiple trip reviewers for your Uber for Business account, and add multiple reviewers for each user.
  • Trip flagging is only available for employee travel programs

Until flagged trips are resolved, employees will not be able to use Uber on their Business profile.

To add a new trip reviewer on the organization:

  1. Sign in to business.uber.com
  2. Select People on the left
  3. Select Add
  4. Enter first name, last name and the email address
  5. Check the box beside Reviewer
  6. Select Continue
  7. Add people to review
  8. Add to a group (optional), only if the reviewer needs access to any of the organization’s existing programs
  9. Select Send Invite

You can also:

  • Add a trip reviewer when adding a new employee to the business account. Add the reviewer’s email in the Reviewer email (optional) field, since the reviewers is not already on the org, it states that no user found and prompts to add a new reviewer, follow the steps below:
    1. Click on ‘Add as Reviewer’
    2. Enter required fileds (First name, last name, and email address)
    3. Click on ‘Add Reviewer’
  • Make employees reviewers in bulk using a CSV file or SFTP automation

To remove an employee as trip reviewer:

  1. Sign in to business.uber.com
  2. Select People on the left
  3. Search the reviewer by name or email address
  4. Check the box to the left of their name
  5. Select Delete

If you delete a reviewer, assigned employees will no longer have a trip reviewer.

To remove multiple trip reviewers in bulk:

  1. Sign in to business.uber.com.
  2. Select People on the left.
  3. Click Export (the CSV file will be emailed to the email associated with your account).
  4. Open the CSV, then go to the Manager email column and remove the trip reviewer’s email from employees they currently review. You can add the new trip reviewer’s email in the Manager email column if needed.
  5. Save the revised CSV to your computer.
  6. Return to People and select Add.
  7. Select Upload CSV and choose the Replace your list of People option after you upload the file
  8. Select Next and then Continue to confirm.