Carrier Performance - Volume


There are no minimum volume requirements to be a carrier on Uber Freight or to reach Top Carrier status. Your carrier account tracks both lifetime and quarterly load volume. Loads count toward the quarter in which the final delivery happens. Only Uber Freight brokerage loads booked in the app or web portal are counted in your volume totals.

How scores are calculated

Loads completed

This is the total number of loads your carrier has completed in the current quarter that were booked through the app or web portal.

2-day pay benefits

While there is no minimum volume required to reach Top Carrier status, you must haul at least 15 loads per quarter to unlock the free 2-day pay benefit.

These 15 loads must be booked directly with the Uber Freight brokerage through the carrier app or website. Loads booked with third-party providers through the Uber Freight platform are not counted.

Learn more about performance

If you have any support questions we’re here to help: call us at 844-822-8237 or email us at