სად ვიპოვო ჩემი Uber Eats UUID?

Some platforms may require your unique Uber Eats account identifier (UUID) to connect to your Uber Eats Manager account.

To find your UUID, follow these steps below:

  1. Log into your Uber Eats Manager account using your username and password.
  2. From the navigation bar on the homepage, select Configuration and then General
  3. On the General page, you can see your UUID in your browser’s URL
    • The UUID follows the “=” symbol and is a combination of numbers and letters between dashes
    • It will look like: UUID=d229fcf9-43f8-4a33-a05a-7a9e7e7fXXXX
  4. Highlight the portion behind the “=” symbol, copy it, and paste it where it is needed in the platform

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