ಅಲರ್ಜಿ ವಿನಂತಿಗಳು FAQ

How do I submit an allergy request?

You can indicate your allergies with each item you order. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Special instructions section on the item page.
  2. Select Allergy requests.
  3. Select the checkbox next to each allergy you want to add.
  4. Choose Apply to item.

You can also call the merchant to request accommodations. If you’re calling in, the app will provide the number to call under Allergy requests in the merchant details screen.

Some merchants aren’t able to accommodate requests. This will be indicated on the merchant’s storefront, on the store details screen, and on each item.

Which allergies can I request accommodations for?

We support food allergies recognized by local regulatory agencies. Some restaurants may be able to accommodate other food allergies. Please contact the merchant directly for more details.

What if a merchant can’t accommodate my allergy request?

When the restaurant can’t accommodate your allergy request, you will be prompted to update your order, or it will be canceled.

If you selected from the list of allergens:

  • If the restaurant cannot accommodate your allergy request, you will receive a notification in the app. The app will give you the choice of either changing the order or canceling it entirely. If you do not make a choice in 10 minutes, the order will be canceled for you.

If you called the restaurant to ask allergy-related questions:

  • If the restaurant informs you that their ingredients or preparation methods do not meet your needs, you can order from another restaurant. We suggest finding another restaurant that can receive allergy information - this will be designated on the restaurant’s storefront.