Can I provide my own background check?

Uber requested background checks are required to go online

  • New Checks Required: Even if you’ve had a recent background check for another company, Uber needs to run its own. It ensures you meet specific local regulations and Uber’s safety standards, which may differ from other companies.
  • Before Your First Trip: You must complete and pass an Uber background check to start driving or delivering. (FOOTNOTE)
  • Annual Updates: Uber re-runs background checks at least once a year to maintain high safety standards.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Once active on the Uber platform, you’ll be part of a program that alerts Uber to new offenses. This helps in upholding ongoing safety compliance.

For more information or to dispute a new record notification, please visit our help page.

NOTE - except for drivers in NYC where a conditional offer of engagement will be made before any criminal background check.