Using insights

What are dashboard insights?

Insights and related data can be viewed on the dashboard allowing you to check your spending, active users, number of trips or orders, and more on a weekly basis. You can access data for up to 2 years in the General tab.

To use the Insights tab:

  1. Login to
  2. On the left side of your dashboard, select Insights.
  3. Choose General or Summary or People.

General tab

The General tab defaults to show information such as overall spend, usage trends, and active users. These insights are split into summary and people tabs.

Some values may be subject to change, for example as the result of price adjustments to trips or orders. Refer to your statements for the final amount.

Summary tab

The Summary tab includes details on overall programs and program types and helps you filter data based on location or date. You can view the following insights:

  • Periodic trends: Spend insights based off of a date range such as day, week, or month.
  • Top programs and program types: Spend insights across top programs and various program types.
  • Total number of requests: Number of rides or meals insights based off of the selected date range and location filters, including average spend.
  • Graphical representation of spend: Spend insights shown as line or bar graphs. The graph splits into days, weeks or months based on the selected date range.

People tab

The People tab shows information, such as the number of linked individuals, active users, or first trips taken.

Geographical insights

The geographical insights include top spending countries, and cities. Navigate to the Summary section on the Insights tab and scroll down to Spend by location to view detailed insights.

You can find the following insights within these sub-tabs:

  • People sub-tab: Distribution of users across different geographies.
  • Vouchers sub-tab: Consolidated spend for both rides and meals.
  • Travel & Central sub-tabs: Rides by location, which includes breakdowns by country and city. This section may also show airports with the highest spend.
  • Meals sub-tab: Meals by location, similar to travel & Central sub-tab, this section shows meals by high spend countries and cities.

Ride types

Spend across ride types is available on the Travel & Central sub-tab on Insights and shows the number of trips and total spend for each ride type.