Customize audio settings in the Uber Driver app

You can customize your Driver app audio settings to suit your needs and preferences while driving.

To access audio controls:

  1. Tap the menu icon (three lines)
  2. Select Account then App settings
  3. Go to Sounds and voice to customize your settings

Adjust volume control

In addition to controlling volume on your phone, you can also set the app’s volume to soft, normal or loud. This allows you to adjust the volume for voice and trip alert sounds (e.g. trip requests, ride cancellations, etc.) without changing your phone’s volume settings.

  • Default setting: Loud

  • Pro tip: Keep your app volume set to loud to mirror your phone’s volume. To test changes, go online, and listen for the sound that indicates you’ve logged on.

Listen to rider messages

The app can read rider messages read out loud. This can help keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

  • Default setting: On

  • Pro tip: Leave this feature on, so you never miss a message from a rider.

Announce trip alerts

The app can announce important trip alerts such as new rider pickups, information about your next rider, drop-off destination changes, and cancellations.

  • Default setting: Off

  • Pro tip: Turn this feature on, so you don’t miss important updates.

Voice navigation

When using Uber Navigation, you can have turn-by-turn directions read aloud. This feature only works in turn-by-turn mode.

  • Default setting: On

  • Pro tip: Keep this feature on, especially if you’re less familiar with the area in which you’re driving.

  • To turn this feature off, tap the Navigation box and toggle the sound icon off.

Using Bluetooth

For cars equipped with Bluetooth, you can connect your phone and allow the Driver app to directions, notifications, trip alerts and messages aloud.

  • If you’re playing audio over Bluetooth, the app will briefly interrupt it to read aloud any trip alerts, directions or other voice and tone sounds. Once complete, your car should begin playing your music or other audio again.

Note: Some drivers have had issues with app audio not working when connected to both Bluetooth and a power source. We’re working to fix this.