Protect your Uber Eats Manager Account from phishing attempts

Uber Eats urges merchants to stay vigilant and be aware of phishing emails and persistent fraudulent calls from scammers posing as Uber Eats Support agents.

Scammers may offer these incentives when trying to obtain your personal information:

  • Pricing concessions
  • Free tablets
  • One-time passcodes (OTPs), emailed to you when you log in to your Uber Eats Manager (UEM) account

They may also ask for sensitive documents (like proof of ownership documents or food permits) through email addresses that resemble Uber’s. If given access to this information, scammers may access your UEM account, add their bank account information, and divert your earnings to their fraudulent account.

How to protect yourself

Follow these tips to protect yourself from phishing attempts:

  • Never share your OTP with anyone claiming to be an Uber employee. Providing this code could give a scammer access to your account.
    • If you received an unfamiliar OTP email request,‌ an unauthorized person is likely trying to sign in to your UEM account. Uber Eats employees will never ask you for an OTP over the phone or in an email.
  • Review any emails that appear to be from Uber and confirm they’re coming from an domain, especially if the email is asking for sensitive information (like business licenses and documentation).
    • Some scammers have used fraudulent domains like to deceive users into thinking the email is coming from a real domain.
  • Ensure that you‘ve added your store’s bank account information to UEM as soon as you join our platform.
  • Verify that all UEM users are associated with your store (particularly Admin and Manager roles).
  • Promptly review your bank account each periodic payout to ensure you received payment from Uber Eats.

What to do if you suspect fraudulent activity

If you notice suspicious activity in your UEM account, such as unauthorized users or fraudulent banking information or you haven’t received payment from Uber Eats, report it immediately to your Uber Account Manager or to Uber Support.

We also suggest that you promptly reset your email password to avoid fraudsters accessing your emails.

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