Managing ads

How to create a sponsored listing

  1. Visit Uber Eats Manageror, open your Restaurant Manager and select “Uber Eats Manager”.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions with tooltips for additional information.
  3. After creating your first ad, visit the All Campaigns page where you can:
    • Edit, delete, or clone any planned ads
    • See all past, active, and planned offers

How to edit ads

NOTE: You can only edit active ads.

  1. Visit Uber Eats Manager.
  2. From the sidebar, select Marketing.
  3. On the top, select All Campaigns.
  4. After choosing which campaign to edit select Actions.
  5. From the dropdown, select Edit, which will direct you to edit the features (e.g. Audience, Budget, and Bid Type) of the ad campaign.

How to monitor ad performance

NOTE: This page can take up to 48 hours for active campaign data to appear.

  1. Visit Uber Eats Manager.
  2. From the sidebar, select Marketing.
  3. On the top, select Performance.

How to pause ads

NOTE: You can only edit active ads.

  1. Visit Uber Eats Manager.From the sidebar, select Marketing.
  2. On the top, select All Campaigns.
  3. After choosing which campaign to edit, select Actions.
  4. From the drop-down, select Pause.

Do I have to set up ads each week?

No, ads run automatically each week per the budget set up in Uber Ads Manager.

How do I view ad spend?

There are two ways to view your ad spend: * On the Campaign Performance page in Uber Eats Manager * In your payment statement