What if an item is out of stock?

If the order is in progress and a delivery person hasn’t already been dispatched, notify the customer that the item is out of stock.

To notify the customer:

  1. Open Uber Eats Orders.
  2. Tap the order.
  3. Find the item that’s out of stock.
  4. Tap the 3 dots next to the item.
  5. Tap “Out of stock”.
    • If you don’t see this option, tap “Contact customer” instead to notify them. (You don’t need to proceed with the next steps after notifying them.)
  6. Select any other items that are out of stock in the next screen.
    • We’ll notify the customer and they’ll have 10 minutes to decide if they want to continue or update their order.
  7. Tap “Mark out of stock”.

If you don’t see the “Out of stock” option, a delivery person may have already been dispatched or the option may not be available depending on how the customer placed the order.

To learn how to cancel or adjust the price of an order, visit the articles below:

How do I cancel an order?

How to adjust the price of an order

To learn more about Uber Eats Orders, view the training here.