Check out

My Plus Card declined

If you’re on a delivery and your Uber Plus Card doesn’t work:

  • Try again: Sometimes cards are declined due to a temporary issue. Swipe your Plus Card once more to see if it goes through.
  • Check your location: Make sure you’re at the correct store. The Plus Card will not work if you’re at the wrong place.
  • Compare totals: The order total may be higher than the pre-approved amount. This can happen if substitute items approved by the customer are pricier than expected.
  • Use another payment method: If the card fails after the second attempt, you might use your own funds. Remember to select No when asked if you’re using a Plus Card today. This way, you can get reimbursed.

Getting Reimbursed: After using your own money: - Upload the receipt: Do this through the app as soon as you pay. - Wait for reimbursement: It typically takes 24-48 hours to process after your order review. - Consult the guide: Click the link for assistance with customer reimbursements: Reimbursement Help.

Best Practices for Bagging and Packaging Items

When delivering items, ensure they arrive in great condition:

  • Organize by category: Group groceries, cleaning supplies, delicate items, and meats separately.
  • Protect fragile items: Place breakable products on top to prevent damage.
  • Maintain temperature: Keep frozen and perishable items together to preserve freshness.

Confirming and delivering Orders

Follow these steps to ensure a smooth delivery:

  • Verify items in the app: Mark each item as Found, Replaced, or Removed as per the customer’s instructions before checking out.
  • Contact the customer if needed: Use the app to chat or call the customer for any clarification.
  • Final check at dropoff: Ensure you have all bags from the store before you deliver to the customer, so nothing is left behind in your vehicle.