Hvorfor fikk jeg ikke en 1099-K i år?

As an independent contractor, you may receive a 1099-K and/or 1099-NEC form. You will receive a 1099-K if you earned more than $600 in gross unadjusted earnings.

In most states, we'll provide you with a 1099-NEC if you received at least $600 in non-rider earnings (i.e. referrals, on-trip promotions).

If you meet these requirements, these documents should be on your Driver Dashboard by January 31, 2023. In addition, you should be able to download them in your Driver App under Account > Tax Info > Tax Forms tab.

If you meet these requirements and opted to receive a physical copy of your tax documents,, you should receive them in the mail after February 1, 2023.

If you don't qualify for either type of 1099, you'll still receive an Uber Tax Summary by January 31, 2023. This Tax Summary should give you the annual earnings information you need to easily file your taxes.