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Kjøring og levering
Uber Eats
Forretninger og restauranter
Sykler og sparkesykler
Uber for bedrifter
Uber Freight
Forretninger og restauranter
Hva er Uber-servicegebyret?
Chevron right small
How are sales taxes applied, collected, and remitted?
Chevron right small
Downloading your 1099
Chevron right small
When do I receive my 1099?
Chevron right small
Requesting current/previous year tax form(s)
Chevron right small
Help with an incorrect 1099
Chevron right small
What Tax Documents do I receive?
Chevron right small
Missing Tax Information FAQ
Chevron right small
How do I update or change my W-9 information?
Chevron right small
What do I do with my 1099s?
Chevron right small
First Time Receiving a B-Notice from Uber
Chevron right small
Second Time Receiving a B-Notice from Uber
Chevron right small