Delayed Order Arrival

If your order is delayed, please check the following two types of times on the tracking screen:

Estimated time of delivery: This estimated time may change based on traffic and order progress. Please use this information as a reference.

Latest arrival by: This estimated time is confirmed when your order is accepted by the restaurant. If the delivery partner has not yet arrived nearby after this time, please contact our support team through the bottom of this page.

These two types of times are predicted based on past data. Actual delivery times may vary due to restaurant circumstances, road conditions, or weather, and are not guaranteed.


If the restaurant has not yet accepted your order, you can cancel it via the app without any cancellation fees.

If you need to cancel after the restaurant has accepted your order, please contact our support team through the bottom of this page. Note: Cancellation fees may apply depending on the situation, until the “Latest arrival by” has passed.

Before the delivery partner picks up your order: You will be charged the total order amount minus the delivery fee.

After the delivery partner picks up your order: The full order amount will be charged.

For more details on cancellation fees, please refer to the “Uber Eats Cancellation Policy.”

Contact Support