Het beleid voor het delen van gegevens van Uber en Lime

This policy describes how Lime and Uber share your personal data to provide you the Lime transportation services you’ve requested through the Uber app (“Services”). You will be able to find and book bikes and scooters through the Uber app, and the actual transportation service will be provided by Lime. Please contact Lime for any customer support related queries.

By proceeding with your request you acknowledge that Uber and Lime will share personal data to provide you the Services.

What personal data are we sharing?

To allow you to request the Services directly through the Uber app, Uber shares the following information with Lime:

  • Account information (name, email, phone number, location information, and in some cases ID or driving license data you have provided through the app; you can learn more about that in the “ID Checks” section)
  • Payment method

To display the trip history in the Uber app, Lime will share the following personal data with Uber:

  • Booking data (amount charged and invoice)
  • Trip data (date, start and end time and duration of trip, route information, including point of pick up, gps locations of trip, point of drop off, distance traveled, and plate number of the bike or scooter)

To ensure proper parking of Lime vehicles, Uber shares the following information with Lime:

  • Your photos of the parked vehicle after ending the trip

Uber and Lime will share this personal data on an ongoing basis during your use of the Services. For the processing of your personal data by Lime to provide you with the Services, we encourage you to check out Lime’s privacy policy.

Why do we share your personal data?

Uber and Lime use this personal data to provide you with the Services, detect and prevent fraud, offer you discounts and other products or services, comply with all applicable regulations, for safety and security purposes and to improve products and services. To make it easy for you to use the Services the next time you open the Uber app, Uber and Lime will hold onto this data until you request deletion of your personal data.

For any customer support related queries, please reach out to:

  • Uber (if it regards your account creation or the finding of available vehicles)
  • Lime (if it regards your trip or the rental of the vehicle)

In certain cases Uber and Lime may share data submitted by you as part of your inquiry to help resolve the issue. We will let you know in advance.

Trip data sharing

To be able to operate, Lime may be required to share (real time) trip location data of its vehicles with local authorities. This means that those authorities will be able to follow your whereabouts while you are on a trip. If you do not want your location data to be shared, you can simply do so by not using a Lime vehicle in that city.

ID checks

In order to operate a Lime vehicle in certain cities, it is required to verify your identity. Uber will collect your ID/ driver’s license and selfie on behalf of Lime and perform the verification by manually comparing a selfie with the photo on your ID/ driver’s license. This data will be retained for a period of two months.


In case you have received a fine during the Services, Lime or Uber will share your ID/ driver’s license data or reach out to you for ID/ driver’s license information and home address, to enable Lime to share this data with law enforcement officials upon their request.

Want to stop sharing your personal data?

You can unlink your account at any time by submitting this form. If you unlink your accounts, you’ll no longer be able to use the Services directly through the Uber app.

For more information on the data we collect, how we use it, and how to exercise your rights, please review our privacy policy and the Lime privacy policy.