Verlies- of schadebeleid van Uber Connect

Uber wishes to help facilitate a delivery marketplace that benefits users (who wish to send items with independent Third Party Providers) and Third Party Providers (who wish to provide delivery services to users). To that end, this Uber Connect Loss or Damage Policy (the "Policy") sets out a claims process for users of Uber Connect for loss or damage to items within their Package.

The Policy applies to your use of Uber Connect, and may be amended, replaced or withdrawn by Uber at its discretion at any time. It sits separate to the Uber Connect Terms of Use ("Connect Terms").

If items within your Package are lost or damaged as a direct result of your use of Uber Connect, you may make a claim for compensation as a remedy from Uber in accordance with the Connect Terms and this Policy (a "Claim").

To make a Claim, you can contact Uber Support through the form below and will need to provide Uber with:
1. A detailed written description of the damaged or lost items.
2. A detailed written description of the nature of the damage to the items (if applicable).
3. A detailed written description of your understanding of how the damage or loss occurred.
4. A photograph, or other proof, of the damaged items (including how this arose through use of the Uber Connect product).
5. Evidence of the value of the Items.

We know prompt support is important to you, and we will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of your Claim within 2 business days of you submitting it.

Once we receive your Claim, we will consider your Claim, including, where relevant, by contacting the relevant Third Party Provider. We will generally aim to respond to your Claim within 14 days of receipt of your Claim to notify you of the outcome of your claim or to request further information if we consider that this is reasonably required to determine the outcome of your Claim.

Where items have been lost or damaged as a result of any fraudulent, unlawful or negligent act or omission by Uber or a Third Party Provider, Uber may issue you a credit amount equal to the replacement value of the items, up to a maximum total value of one hundred Australian dollars ($100 AUD).

In addition, Uber will not provide compensation for any loss or damage to items which are (a) Prohibited Items; or (b) fragile or perishable items that, in our reasonable opinion, were not appropriately packaged having regard to the nature of the item.

The Policy does not change the rights or obligations you have under the Connect Terms and to the extent there is any inconsistency between this Policy and the Connect Terms, the Connect Terms will prevail.

Any undefined capitalised terms in this Policy have the meanings ascribed to them in the Connect Terms.