Carrier Performance - Tracking


Uber Freight is committed to providing our customers with real-time visibility on all of their loads. If your carrier’s tracking score doesn’t meet our minimum requirement, your account may be at risk of suspension or deactivation. Your tracking metric is based on the last 10 loads your carrier has hauled.

Top Carrier requirement

The following requirement must be met and maintained for Top Carrier status:

  • 85% or more status updates from an automated source

Minimum requirement

If your tracking doesn’t meet the following requirement, your account may be at risk of suspension or deactivation:

  • 50% or more status updates from an automated source

How scores are calculated

Automated updates

This is the percentage of required tracking updates sent from an automated source (e.g. ELD, Uber Freight app) over your last 10 loads. We require carriers to send the following statuses from automated sources:

  • Dispatched (3+ hours before pickup)
  • Arrived at pickup
  • Departed pickup
  • Arrived at delivery
  • Delivered

Check out our Tracking and Load Visibility support page for more info.

Ways to improve

  • Add an additional method to provide your location in case something fails
  • Track through ELD, EDI, or the app, or connect to a location provider like Macropoint or Project 44

Learn about another performance category

If you have any support questions we’re here to help: call us at 844-822-8237 or email us at