Shop for multiple orders on one trip

You can receive Shop & Deliver requests for multiple orders from different customers on the same trip when they’re from the same store. These trips help you make the most of your time and give you the potential to earn multiple tips at once.

How it works

  • View all your orders on the offer card. You’ll see the number of orders per trip upfront on the offer card. Sometimes you’ll get a request to add an order to a trip you’ve already accepted.
  • Shop from one list. To make things easy, you’ll see one shopping list that has all the items for all your orders organized by category, so you only have to go through each aisle once.
  • Easily identify each customer’s order. The app uses labels to clearly show you which items belong to which customer, making it easy for you to keep orders separate.
  • Pay for each order individually. When it’s time to check out, the app will guide you to pay for the right items for each customer’s order.

Tips for successful multi-order trips

  • Use bags or baskets to keep orders separate. Divide your cart with your own shopping bags or the store’s baskets to separate orders while you shop.
  • Pay attention to customer labels in the app. If an item is out of stock, make sure you’re chatting with the right customer about replacements to avoid confusion.
  • Label bags with each customer’s name. Bring a marker with you and label each bag so you can quickly see which order belongs to which customer during delivery.
  • Upload your receipts right away. At checkout, take a photo of each receipt as you go to avoid any confusion later.
  • Load orders separately for easy delivery. Organize bags by order when loading to make delivery easier and faster.

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