Relatório de resumo de pagamentos

How to download the Payout Summary Report

  1. Open Uber Eats Manager and click “Reports” on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click “Request Report” in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Payout Summary” in the reports drop-down, then select the time range.
  4. Click “Request” in the top right corner.
  5. Wait for the report to be ready. The requester will be notified via email once the report is ready to download.
  6. Click “Download”.

Frequently asked questions

How is the “Payment summary” report different from the “Payment details” report? The “Payment summary” report provides:

  • Aggregate payouts for a given time period: This number reflects the exact amount that is deposited in the merchant’s bank account.
  • Store-level payouts for a given time period: Franchise owners typically use this information for payout reconciliation for multiple stores.

If you’re looking for order-level details, see the “Payment details” report.

How do I reconcile payouts between the “Payment summary” report and the “Payment details” report? To reconcile payouts , use the Payout Reference ID in the 2 reports.

What happens if a day has no payouts? If a day has no payouts, it will not be shown in the “Payout summary” report.