අයකිරීම්, අධිභාර සහ ගාස්තු

Your trip fare covers more than just time and distance. Here is a breakdown of additional charges that may apply to your trip. When you accept a trip with an upfront price, the estimated costs are incorporated into your trip fare based on the predicted route. Tolls and surcharges may be adjusted in the event your actual route differs from the predicted route.

Tolls and Surcharges

Additional charges may apply to your trip, such as: estimated tolls; surcharges for trips to or from airports, events, seaports, stadiums, and other venues; and surcharges in certain cities that are meant to offset governmental fees imposed on rideshare services.

These charges are automatically included in your trip price. Depending on the charge and location, these additional charges may be retained by your driver, paid by your driver to Uber or Uber-related entities, or passed through in whole or in part to a governmental agency or other third parties. Such charges included in your trip price may not match the amount retained by your driver, paid to Uber, or passed through to a third party or government agency; may not correspond to any third-party or government charge; and may relate to charges or inconveniences that occur before or after your trip.

සටහන: පූර්ව ගාස්තුවක් ලෙස ගෙවනු ලබන, කාලය සහ දුර සඳහා වන මිල ගණන් Uber Reserve හට අදාළ නොවේ.