Business account privacy and security

Type of data Uber receives

We receive employee first names, last names, and company-issued email addresses. We may also receive expense codes and employee IDs if you opt to include that information.

Ako Uber získava údaje

Mená a e-mailové adresy zamestnancov dostávame vtedy, keď:

  • pridávaš zamestnancov cez, a to buď manuálne, alebo nahraním súboru CSV;
  • automatizuješ pridávanie zamestnancov prostredníctvom protokolu bezpečného prenosu dát (SFTP) na automatizáciu údajov. Ďalšie informácie o procese SFTP nájdeš na stránke pomoci.

How Uber uses data

The data received from you allows your employees to connect your business account with their personal Uber account. This allows company Uber Program Administrators to easily manage expenses and view data regarding trips taken by employees using the business account.

For more information on how we use data, see our Privacy Notice.

Where Uber stores data

Information is stored in data centers located in the United States.

How Uber secures data

We’re committed to keeping your company’s information safe and secure. To protect data, our information security team:

  • Protects access to data and infrastructure from abuse and attacks
  • Implements security best practices early in our design and development processes
  • Detects, contains, and mitigates threats that have the potential to impact the security, availability, and performance of our infrastructure

Security certifications Uber holds

We maintain ISO 27001 and PCI DSS 3.2.1 certifications.

Uber’s Privacy Policy

You can find our global Privacy Notice at It describes the information we collect, how that information is used and shared, and your options regarding your data.