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Šoférovanie a doručovanie
Uber Eats
Obchodníci a reštaurácie
Bicykle a kolobežky
Uber for Business
Uber Freight
Šoférovanie a doručovanie
Uber Eats
Obchodníci a reštaurácie
Bicykle a kolobežky
Uber for Business
Uber Freight
Obchodníci a reštaurácie
Čo je poplatok za službu Uber?
Chevron right small
Taxes FAQ
Chevron right small
How are sales taxes applied, collected, and remitted?
Chevron right small
Downloading your 1099
Chevron right small
Kedy dostanem svoj formulár 1099?
Chevron right small
Requesting current/previous year tax form(s)
Chevron right small
Pomoc s nesprávnym formulárom 1099
Chevron right small
What tax documents do I receive?
Chevron right small
Missing Tax Information FAQ
Chevron right small
How do I update or change my W-9 information?
Chevron right small
What do I do with my 1099s?
Chevron right small
First time receiving a "B" Notice from Uber
Chevron right small
Second time receiving a "B" Notice from Uber
Chevron right small