Odošli hlásenie tretej strany o probléme s prepravou zvieraťa so špeciálnym výcvikom

Service animals must be accommodated in compliance with applicable accessibility laws and the Uber Service Animal and Assistive Device Policy.

Use the form below to report an issue with a service animal on someone else’s behalf. To help us understand the issue, provide your information and information about the individual who has denied the service. If possible, include details like date, time, driver’s name, and whether the driver was aware it was a service animal. All fields are required.

Tu sa odošle automatická správa, ktorá potvrdí, že si to naozaj ty. Otvor ju a vyber možnosť Potvrdiť e-mailovú adresu, aby sme ťa mohli spojiť s členom nášho tímu. Píšeš z krajiny