Expectations for insulated bag orders

How will these deliveries work?

1. When you receive a trip request, the offer card will indicate if an insulated bag is required by the restaurant or store. Sometimes we may prioritize other labels for important information.

2. Follow the app instructions for pickup, which will specify the required equipment.

3. Sometimes you may need to verify your insulated bag at pickup.

What if I forgot my bag?

If you forget your bag, go to Preferences and disable the bag filter until you do. If you realize you don’t have your bag before pickup, contact Support.

If you realize you’ve forgotten your bag after starting the pickup, select** I forgot my bag** when verifying the order. You can continue to complete that delivery, but we’ll turn off trips that require insulated bags until you turn the insulated bags filter back on in your Preferences.

Why am I not getting insulated bag trips? Insulated bag orders depend on availability. If you’re approved and have the filter on, you’ll receive orders when available.

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