My password reset link isn't working

When you contact us to reset your Uber account password, you should receive an email within a few minutes. This email contains a link to help you reset your password.

For security, this link expires in 10 minutes. Open it immediately or wait until you're ready to complete the password reset process before requesting a password reset.

In the event that your password reset link doesn't work, please start over at Check that your email address is correct, then open the link in the next password reset email you receive.

If you're unable to reset your password or access your account, please get in touch with us below.

Ovde ćemo vam poslati automatsku poruku da potvrdimo da ste to zaista vi. Otvorite je i izaberite „Potvrdi imejl adresu“ da bismo vas povezali sa nekim članom našeg tima. Poreklo poruke: