Uppdatera menytiderna i Uber Eats Orders

To turn on/off editing menu hours in Uber Eats Orders:

  1. Go to SETTINGS
  2. Tap the toggle next to EDIT MENU HOURS IN UBER EATS ORDERS?

When the toggle is off, you can only edit menu hours in Uber Eats Manager. You can turn this feature back on at any time.

Note: Anybody with access to your tablet will be able to edit menu hours in Uber Eats Orders when the feature is turned on.

To edit your menu hours on Uber Eats Orders:

  1. Tap the menu icon and then tap HOURS
  2. Select a menu from the dropdown and tap EDIT HOURS. You can assign different hours for different days of the week.
  3. Update your hours and tap UPDATE. Managers will receive an email confirmation of the change.

You can also update your hours in Uber Eats Manager. Click here for instructions.

Note: If you’re POS-integrated, you’ll need to edit hours in Uber Eats Manager. You can only view hours in Uber Eats Orders