Shuttle packages FAQ

How Shuttle packages work

Your shuttle trip will be 100% covered during the dates your package is active.

Route coverage

Your Shuttle package only applies to any shuttle trip within the radius around the pickup and dropoff you selected when purchasing.

For example, if you selected shuttle stop A as your pickup and shuttle stop B as your dropoff when you purchased the Shuttle package, any booking within that radius of shuttle stop A and shuttle stop B, your Shuttle package should apply.

Booking multiple seats on a trip

We’ll deduct the equivalent number of trips from your Shuttle package to the number of seats that you booked on that trip. However, for unlimited packages, you can only book one seat per trip.


Shuttle package prices relate to the original trip price, so pricing may vary from one pickup and dropoff to another.

Tracking Shuttle package usage

  1. In your Uber app, go to the Account menu
  2. Choose Shuttle Package to view your trips and days remaining

When Shuttle packages expire

Currently, your package will expire within the specified days you’re shown upon purchasing the package.

The time of the day when the package expires depends on the time you purchased the package. For example, if you buy a package at 10 am that lasts for 30 days, it’ll expire after 30 days at 10 am.

Pausing packages

Currently, Shuttle packages can’t be paused or de-selected for certain shuttle trips.

The package will apply automatically to all of your eligible shuttle trips until the Shuttle package expires or all trips on the package are used.

Extending packages

At the moment, Shuttle packages can’t be extended after their expiration date.

To continue saving, you can always buy a new Shuttle package after your current package expires or turn on the auto-renewal option for your existing package.

Cancellations and refunds

Per our Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to applicable laws and regulations, Shuttle packages are non-refundable, unless otherwise determined by Uber.