You can cancel the order through the Uber Eats App.
The cancellation fee will be charged with the delivery status.
How to Cancel an Order
Cancel button displayed
- Tap the “Help” button on the “Delivery Status” screen
- Tap the “Cancel Order” button
- A screen to reconfirm the cancellation will be displayed
- After reconfirmation, tap “Cancel Order”
Cancel button is not displayed
- Tap the “Help” button on the “Delivery Status” screen
- Select “More help” and tap “Ongoing order”
- Please contact our Support Center through the “Chat with us” below on the “Cancel my Order” help page.
- To cancel your order because of an incorrect delivery address, contact your delivery partner directly in the Uber Eats app.
- If a canceled order included the use of a promotion code, the code will be automatically returned to the customer’s account, provided that no charges were incurred.
- Once a promotion code has been applied to an order, we are unable to return the promotion code to the account or refund the promotional amount, even if the order is canceled or not completed.
- If the promo code is not reflected in your account after one week, please contact the support.
How to check the promo code returned to the account
- Tap the “Account” in the lower right corner of the app
- Tap the “Coupons & Promotions”
If you’re using the PayPay mini-App, please refer to the help page below.