Jinsi ya kubadilisha bakshishi yangu

If you added a tip for the delivery person when placing your order, you can edit the tip amount up to one hour after your order arrives.

Change your tip 2 ways

1. Follow in-app prompts

After your order arrives, you’ll be prompted to add a rating and tip for the delivery person if you choose:

  1. Follow the on-screen prompts to add your rating and view your current tip amount.
  2. Tap “Edit” to change the amount.
  3. Tap “Save and continue” to save your new tip amount.

2. From the “Orders” section

  1. From the main screen, tap “Account” and then “Orders.”
  2. Scroll to find your order and select it.
  3. Tap “Edit amount” next to the tip.

The option to edit your tip is available for up to one hour after the order is delivered.

You can also add a tip for the delivery person after the order has been placed. *Tips added after the order has been delivered can’t be changed. *