Sürücü ortağı promosyonları nasıl işler?

Promotions generally require you to go online and complete trips. To qualify for these rewards, you must meet certain criteria as described in the offer. Take a look at the common requirements for promotions:

Minimum number of completed trips

  • Trips must be completed from the pickup spot to the destination.
  • Trips canceled by either you or the rider don’t count.

Online hours

  • Counted to the minute while you are online.
  • Applies whether you’re on trips, heading to pickups, or waiting for requests.

Note: If the promotion specifies certain days or times, only online hours within these periods count.

Trips per hour (TPH)

  • Calculated by dividing completed trips by online hours during the promotion (e.g., 6 completed trips in 3 hours equals 2 trips per hour)
  • Canceled trips are excluded

Earnings Based

  • Based on the amount of earnings a driver generates in a trip or set of trips
  • Typically refers to a specified time period (eg., 1 hour, 1 day, or 1 week)

Acceptance rate

  • Determined by dividing accepted trips by the total trip requests sent to your device.

Opt-in requirements

  • Some promotions may ask you to opt-in before the promotional period.

Location-based trips

  • Trips starting in a designated area, determined by the rider’s request location, not your location when accepting the trip.
  • Trips beginning outside the specific area don’t qualify.

Remember, each promotion has specific criteria. Ensure you understand and fulfill these to take advantage of promotional offers.

Completed trips

  • Some promotions require you to complete a certain number of trips. A trip is counted if you successfully bring a rider from pickup location to destination. Any trip canceled by you or your rider won’t be counted.