Oturum açın
Sürüş ve Teslimat
Uber Eats
Dükkânlar ve Restoranlar
Bisikletler ve Scooter’lar
Uber for Business
Uber Freight
Sürüş ve Teslimat
Uber Eats
Dükkânlar ve Restoranlar
Bisikletler ve Scooter’lar
Uber for Business
Uber Freight
Dükkânlar ve Restoranlar
Ana Sayfa
Hesap ayarları
Cihaz dili güncelleniyor
Chevron right small
Updating personal information
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Uber Eats UUID’imi nerede bulabilirim?
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Change of Ownership
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Verification Process
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Updating your service hours, address, and phone number
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Another account issue
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How to add users to Uber Eats Manager
Chevron right small
I want to remove my business from Uber Eats
Chevron right small
Adding multiple locations to Uber Eats Manager
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Change of ownership FAQs
Chevron right small
How do I add an additional location on Uber Eats?
Chevron right small
Chevron right small