Not getting weekly promotion offers

Promotions change each week and offers will vary by city and driver. Promotions are offered based on various factors such as rider trends, request levels, and app usage in your city. Promotional offers often fluctuate since rider behavior changes during the day, month, and year.

There may be weeks where no promotions are available. You can check back again later as offers get updated each week.

Viewing earnings trends

You can also use earning trends to help plan your week with or without promotions.This feature has maps and charts to help you see the highest earning areas and times of the day in your city over the past 28 days.

To view earnings trends:

  1. Tap the Menu button at the top left of your screen
  2. Select the Earnings section
  3. Select See historical earnings trends in your area

If you signed up in a different city than you currently drive in, you may not be receiving promotions for the current city that you drive in. It can take up to 21 days to start receiving promotions in a new city.

Please chat us if you need further help.