Поширені запитання щодо Postmates


QUESTION: Why is the Postmates experience being updated?
We are updating the Postmates experience now that Postmates and Uber Eats have joined forces to offer more delivery opportunities

QUESTION: When can I expect to see the changes?
To continue delivering for Postmates, you must link your account to Uber as customers and delivery requests are switching to Uber. Follow your instructions in-app to complete the linking process.


QUESTION: Why do I need to log into Postmates with my Uber account?
Postmates and Uber Eats have joined forces to better serve you with more restaurants, faster service and better recommendations. Link your Postmates and Uber accounts through your Postmates app to start enjoying from this joint experience!

QUESTION: If I'm blocked on one account, does that mean I'm blocked on the other?
Account bans are evaluated on case by case basis and will not always mean that a user is banned on both platforms.

Your account access may be restricted across both platforms in certain instances. However, in some situations this won't be the case and so we always recommend attempting to login to account to confirm your access.

QUESTION: How do I log into my existing Postmates account?
To log into your Postmates account, enter the phone number you used to sign up in the app or website. You will first be asked to link your account to an existing Uber account or provided steps to create a new Uber account.

QUESTION: I changed my phone number. Can I update it on Postmates? If not, which phone number should I use to log into my Postmates account?
You can't change your phone number on Postmates once you link your Postmates and Uber account. You should continue to use your old Postmates phone number to log into your account.

Alternatively, you can use your email to log into your account by clicking on "Can't sign in" link at login screen.

QUESTION: How do I delete my Postmates account?
If you would like to delete your Postmates account, please open a support ticket using the link below for further assistance.

QUESTION: What if I don't want to deliver for Postmates?
If you would like to cancel your Postmates account, please open a ticket below for further assistance in deleting your account.

QUESTION: I receive promotions for completing deliveries on Postmates. Will Uber Eats also have promotions?

Yes, Uber Eats also offers promotions to delivery people using the platform. Promotions vary from week to week based on customer trends and app usage in your city. You can keep up to date on active and upcoming promotions by following these steps: Open the Driver app > Tap Menu icon > Tap "Earnings" > Tap "Promotions".

QUESTION: Will my current Postmates promotions carry over to Uber Eats?

Promotions will be restricted to either Postmates or to Uber Eats, depending on where the promo is eligible. Promotions do not carry over across platforms.


QUESTION: Can I link my Postmates account to an Uber account?
As of August 9, 2021, you will no longer be able to link your Postmates account with an Uber account. If you'd like to drive or deliver with the Uber app, you'll need to create a new account at the link above.

QUESTION: I can no longer go online in my Postmates Fleet app. Why?

Postmates has joined Uber Eats, which means customers and delivery requests have switched to the Uber app as of June 7, 2021. By linking your Uber Eats account, your Postmates delivery account should migrate with you and be displayed in-app on your Uber Profile app.


QUESTION: How will Uber Eats use my Postmates data?
You can find more information on Uber's use of your data on its Privacy Overview page, linked below.

QUESTION: Why is my data being shared with Uber? Is my information safe?
You can find more information on Uber's use of your data on its Privacy Overview page, linked below.

To submit requests regarding Uber Eats' use of your personal data, please click "Submit a privacy inquiry," also linked below.

QUESTION: How can I submit requests to Uber Eats regarding my personal data?
To submit requests regarding Uber Eats' use of your personal data, please click "Submit a privacy inquiry" below.


QUESTION: What does this mean for my previous trips on Postmates?
Lifetime delivery count completed on Postmates will be migrated and displayed in-app on your Uber Profile once you link accounts.

Completed Uber deliveries will add to the lifetime total of completed deliveries.

Trip details for deliveries completed on Postmates will only be available through the Postmates app.

QUESTION: When can I expect my pay or issue with weekly deposit?
Pay periods run from Monday at 4am to Monday at 4am. The direct deposit will hit your account around that Thursday but this can vary by a day or two depending on your bank.

Uber also offers an option to link your debit card to your account and cash out instantly with instant pay. There is no transaction fee when also sign up for and use the Uber debit card.

QUESTION: What will happen to my tax information?
Your tax information, including your 1099 for 2020, will still be available through your Postmates delivery app.

QUESTION: What happens to all my old Postmates deliveries?
The trip total in your Uber profile will include the deliveries you previously completed on the Postmates app.

For specific details about those deliveries, you will still be able to access them in the Postmates delivery app.

QUESTION: I am not eligible to deliver on Uber Eats. How can I continue to work?

As all delivery dispatches will be moving to the Uber platform, you will need to have an Uber driver account in good standing in order to continue accepting deliveries. Since you've already attempted to migrate your account and were rejected, it looks like you'll no longer be able to accept delivery requests in your area.