
If you suspect that someone used your Uber account or you see suspicious activity, your account may be compromised.

Suspicious activity can include:

  • Phone calls, emails, or text messages about your account information
  • Account changes you didn’t make
  • Changes to your payment profile you didn’t make
  • Password or email address updated without your knowledge

If you’re able to sign in to your account, we recommend resetting your password.

How to reset your password:

  1. Open the Driver app
  2. Enter your phone number or email
  3. Select “Login with password”
  4. Select “I forgot my password”
  5. Follow the instructions to create a new and unique password

Note: We are currently seeing a high number of requests come through this form. Please only submit the form once since sending a second request will increase the time it takes to resolve your issue.

We understand this is a sensitive matter, and we want to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

If you’re unable to sign in to your account, please fill out the information below:

Date format is yyyy/MM/dd. Press the down arrow or enter key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the escape button to close the calendar.

这里会显示一条自动发送的消息,以确认是您本人操作。请打开消息并选择“确认电子邮箱地址”,与我们的一位团队成员取得联系。 撰写人来自