
You can opt out of these automated calls using the automated Interactive Voice Response system. After the recorded message has completed, select "9" to opt out of receiving calls for that specific use case in the future.

Please note that if you've signed up for multiple robocalling use cases, you'll only be opted out of the use case for which you received a call.

If you're still receiving issues and would like us to manually opt you out, please put the phone number below.

For context, these calls are triggered when an incoming order is not accepted, or when a restaurant is offline during the restaurant's open hours. These calls are intended as courtesy to help optimize the restaurant's acceptance rate.

这里会显示一条自动发送的消息,以确认是您本人操作。请打开消息并选择“确认电子邮箱地址”,与我们的一位团队成员取得联系。 撰写人来自