
Partner Protection: You're independent, but you're not on your own

Life-changing events like injury, sickness, or having a baby don't have to come with all the additional financial stress.

If you're an eligible independent driver or delivery partner who uses an Uber App in some parts of Europe, from June 1st you will have insurance from our Partner to help protect you and your loved ones from the financial cost of accidents or life events. This insurance is provided at no cost to you.

How to make a claim:

If you would like to make a claim for an On-Trip accident, or for an Off-Trip life event, please use the Online Claims Form found on the Partner Protection site.

- 行程途中遭受傷害而無法工作所提供的補貼 (每日計算)
- 康復治療或醫療開支的資助費用
- 因住院而遭遇不便的津貼 (單筆)
- 傷殘及死亡賠償
- 因嚴重疾病或損傷而起的不便之補貼 (每日)
- 妊娠/生育津貼 (單筆)

- 司機夥伴在財物損失前 8 星期內完成至少 150 個行程。
- 送餐夥伴在財物損失前 8 星期內完成至少 30 個行程。
