Record My Ride - Frequently Asked Questions


What is Record My Ride?

Record My Ride is a safety feature that allows you to automatically record your trips through the Driver app to help encourage respectful interactions with riders.

Currently, Record My Ride is available on Android and iOS.

  • For Android, it’s available only for software versions higher than Android 7. Additionally, some low-end devices might not get access to the feature given the technical requirements needed for Record My Ride. Some examples of requirements are:
    • Memory: 1 GB of RAM or more
    • CPU: Quad Processors or better
  • For iOS, it’s available only for software versions higher than iOS 14.

How does Record My Ride work?

If you choose to turn on Record My Ride, the Driver app will use your phone’s selfie camera and microphone to record your trips automatically.

We’ll notify your riders that their trip will be recorded. You can send the recordings to our Support team if you report a safety issue.

Where is Record My Ride available?

Record My Ride is available to select drivers in the US and Latin America. You will receive an email from Uber if and when this functionality becomes available to more drivers in your area

I have a dashcam. Can I still record my trips?

You can record your trips with a dashcam, with Record My Ride, or with both.

If you’d like to record with a dashcam, you can register in the Driver app:

  1. Open the Main Menu
  2. Select Account > App Settings > Record My Ride
  3. Select Register under the Record with your dashcam section

Once you register a dashcam or enable Record My Ride, the Driver app will notify your riders that the trip is being recorded and you can send recordings to our Support team if you report a safety issue.

Is Record My Ride available during my deliveries?

Depending on your local privacy regulations, Record My Ride may or may not be available to record your deliveries. * In areas with less strict requirements, Record My Ride will be available during your rides and deliveries. * In areas with stricter requirements, Record My Ride will be available during your rides, but not your deliveries.


Can the driver or rider play back the recording later?

No. No one can access the recordings, including you, your riders, and Uber. The only way Uber can get access to a recording is if you choose to attach it to a safety report.

To maintain the privacy of all parties in the vehicle, the recordings are encrypted on your phone and automatically deleted after 7 days. Please make sure to report any issues to Uber in a timely manner so the recordings can be sent before they are deleted.

We take user privacy very seriously and limit any review of recordings to a dedicated Safety team at Uber. If we receive a recording that is not relevant to a safety incident, we will delete it within 30 days.

Will my rider know if I’m recording?

Riders will see a message in their app informing them that their trip will be recorded. Riders can always cancel the trip if they feel uncomfortable or don’t want to be recorded.

In certain regions, it may be required by law to obtain a rider’s consent to record them. Please review your local laws to ensure you are compliant with requirements around consent.

Does Uber still have access to the recording if I don’t send it?

No. If you don’t submit an incident report with the recording attached, Uber does not have access to the recording.

May I request a recording after I submit it to Uber?

We generally do not share recordings to protect the privacy of all recorded individuals. However, where users may have the legal right to their personal data, we will assess requests on a case-by-case basis.

Will this record if I leave the Uber app?

For iOS: Video recording will stop if you navigate away from the Driver app to use another app (such as a navigation app), but audio recording will continue. Video recording will resume when you return to the Driver app.

For Android: Recording will continue with both video and audio, even if you navigate away from the Driver app to use another app (such as a navigation app). Recording will stop if you close the Driver app.

The difference between iOS and Android is due to the functionality limitations of the respective operating systems.

Will this record when I’m on a phone call?

Audio recording will pause if you make or take phone calls, or if you use an app that requires use of the microphone. This is because the microphone can only be used by one app at a time. We also want to respect your privacy when you take personal calls. Audio recording will restart when the phone call is done, only if you are still on a trip.

Video recording will continue if you make or take calls but only if you have the Driver app open and you are on a trip.

Is Uber listening as the recording is happening?

No, Uber is not listening as the recording is happening. The recording is stored on your phone when a trip ends, and Uber cannot listen to the recording unless you include it with an incident report.

Will Uber provide the recording to anyone else?

In accordance with our law enforcement guidelines and third-party data request policies, and as may be required under applicable laws, Uber may provide the recording to third parties (like police or law enforcement) with appropriate legal process or in emergency situations.


How can I make sure that I have the correct recording angle?

Place your phone so it can see you and your backseat.

If your device meets the requirements, you’ll be able to preview your recording angle for each trip:

  • Select the blue shield on the map, then select Preview next to Record My Ride.
  • In this option, you’ll be able to see a video preview of what your phone will be recording. Make sure it’s capturing you, and your future riders, in the back seat.

How much data does it take to share the recording with Uber?

If you need to submit a safety report with a recording attached, we encourage you to be connected to wifi first. Otherwise, your normal data rates will apply.

How does Record My Ride interact with device storage, battery, and temperature?

Recording will stop if your phone is low on storage or battery, or if your device is close to overheating. Recording will restart on the next trip only if a new storage, battery, or temperature threshold is met.


  • Recording will stop when storage < 500MB
  • Recording will start on the next trip if storage > 550MB


  • Recording will stop when battery < 25%
  • Recording will start on next trip if battery > 40%


  • Recording will stop if phone is close to overheating
  • Recording will start on next trip if phone is back to normal temperature

How do I share a recording?

Follow these steps to report a safety issue and send a recording to our Support team:

  1. Navigate to “Help” in the Driver app
  2. Select “Safety
  3. Select the type of incident and the trip you want to report

For phone recordings, choose “Share recording” when prompted.

For dashcam recordings, choose:

  • Upload now” if your video is ready on the device you’re using to report.
  • Upload later” if your video is on another device, like your computer, or you don’t have a strong wifi connection. You’ll get an email with a link to upload videos later.

Remember: You can always choose not to include a recording in a safety report.

How do I delete a recording?

  1. Go to “Menu” in the Driver app
  2. Select “Earnings and then Activity
  3. Choose the trip
  4. Scroll down to check if this trip was recorded
  5. Select “Delete

Recordings are automatically deleted from your phone after 7 days. You will receive an in-app notification to let you know this is happening.

The content is only stored on your phone. If you delete it, Uber has no way to recover it.

What will happen after I share the recording with Uber?

A member of Uber’s Safety team will review the report and watch and/or listen to the footage. Appropriate action will be taken in accordance with our policies.

I deleted the recording. Can I restore it?

The content will be kept only in your phone. If it’s deleted, Uber can’t restore it.

When does recording start and stop?

Once you turn on Record My Ride, all trips will be automatically recorded.

Recording will start when you are close to the pickup location and will stop 20 seconds after the trip ends. The app records for a short period of time before and after the trip in case a safety incident happens when the rider is getting into or out of the vehicle.

Recording will also stop if any of the thresholds are met for storage, battery, and temperature, or if you make or take a phone call. Please see FAQ on this above.

I want to take a break from recording. How do I turn it off?

Go to “Record My Ride” in your settings between trips to turn it off.

This is also where you can turn on Audio only recording.