Uber Eats 管理平台市場推廣工具常見問題


登入你的 Uber Eats 管理平台即可開始建立優惠。 要了解建立和管理優惠的步驟,請參閱此文章:透過 Uber Eats 管理平台管理優惠


  1. 打開 Uber Eats 管理平台。
  2. 在左邊側欄選擇「市場推廣」。
  3. 選擇「所有推廣活動」。在「所有推廣活動」頁面,你可查看過往、現在及未來的優惠。


  • 編輯或刪除已安排的優惠
  • 複製過往的優惠,在未來重複推行


平台服務費按折扣前訂單金額計算,正如透過 App 提交的所有其他訂單一樣。餐廳無需為優惠或其兌換向 Uber Eats 支付任何額外費用。而你唯一增加的成本就只有餐點的折扣金額。


可以。你可隨時暫停或取消提供優惠。 要了解如何執行此操作,請參閱此文章:透過 Uber Eats 管理平台管理優惠

Can I see how my restaurant’s promotion applied in a customer’s order?

Yes, you can see this through Uber Eats Manager or in your restaurant’s weekly payment statement by following these steps:

  1. Open Uber Eats Manager.
  2. From the sidebar, select “Payments”.
  3. Choose a past order.
  4. Find the row “Special offer”. This shows how the promotion applied for that order.

Can I decide who sees my promotion?

You can decide to make your promotion visible to the following customer types: * All customers in your delivery zone * New customers that haven’t ordered from your restaurant

How is a recommended budget calculated?

The recommended budget is calculated based on your average sales and demand boost expected during a promotion period.

When will my promotion end?

If you set the duration of your promotion to “Ongoing”, your promotion will not end.

If you do NOT set it to “Ongoing”, your promotion will end when: * It reaches your selected end date OR * It hits your selected budget

What does each performance metric mean?

  • Redemptions = number of completed orders that had a promo applied to it
  • New customer = total number of new customers that redeemed your promo for that campaign
  • Amount spent = total amount that you paid for this promo
  • Total sales = total gross sales generated during the promo period

Why do the Terms & Conditions appear to multiple users on my account?

Terms & Conditions appear whenever a new user creates their first promotion. If a restaurant account has multiple users associated with it, the Terms & Conditions appear everytime a new user creates their first promo.

Where can I see the Terms & Conditions?

To see the Terms & Conditions, view the article here and select your region from the drop-down.