Uber One Membership Cancellation

You can cancel your membership up to 48 hours before your next scheduled payment to avoid further charges.

To cancel your membership in the app:

  1. Select the profile icon
  2. Select Uber One
  3. Select Manage Membership
  4. Select End Membership, then End Membership again to cancel your membership

If you are less than 48 hours before your next renewal, please contact Support.

If you’re on a free trial of Uber One and cancel your membership, then your benefits will end upon cancellation. For all other memberships, you’ll have access to your benefits until the end of the current billing period.

For questions about your membership, please connect with us below and we’ll be happy to help.

系統會自動發出確認身份用的訊息。請打開訊息然後選擇「確認電郵地址」,系統會將你轉駁至我們的團隊成員。 訊息傳送位置: