
What are promo codes and how do they work?

We offer special promotions to provide discounts on items.

When using a promo code, please keep the following in mind:

  • Promos must be applied before placing your order, they can’t be applied after placing an order.
  • Store promos will automatically be applied first, with the highest value account promo added next. You can select a preferred promo code to apply to a specific order, or none to save them for future orders.
  • Some promos only apply to specific cities, states, countries, etc.
  • Promos can’t be combined - only one promo code can be applied to an order and if it’s for a specific amount, any unused amount does not roll over to another order.
  • Some promos may only apply for certain user types; for example, first-time users.
  • Some promos may only apply if you receive them via email or in-app notification. You’ll need to place the order from an account with an email that matches the email where you received the promo code to be eligible.
  • Rides promos do not apply to delivery or pickup orders.


  1. 點按主畫面底部的「帳號」圖示。
  2. 點按「優惠」。
  3. 點按「輸入優惠碼」。
  4. 輸入優惠碼,然後點按「套用」。


  1. 點按主畫面底部的「帳號」圖示。
  2. 點按「優惠」。
  • 有效優惠會顯示在頁面頂部,並列出到期日和適用的國家/地區
  • 過往優惠會顯示在「有效優惠」下方。你可在此看到優惠碼是否已過期或已兌換。