ما أنواع خدمات التوصيل المتاحة في أوبر إيتس (Uber Eats)؟

There are 3 different options for delivering an Uber Eats order to a customer:

  1. By a deliver person on the Uber Eats platform
  2. By a member of your own staff
  3. By customer self pickup at your restaurant or store

You can choose which delivery options you’d like to offer customers when signing up for Uber Eats. Each delivery option has a different pricing model that you should consider, as outlined below:

Using a delivery person on the Uber Eats platform:

Each order is subject to a 30% marketplace fee on the pre-tax value of the order.

Using a member of your own staff:

Each order is subject to a 15% marketplace fee on the pre-tax value of the order.

Using customer self pickup:

Each order is subject to a 6% marketplace fee on the pre-tax value of the order.

If you have questions about these delivery options, you can 1-833-ASK-EATS (press 1 for stores, > press 3 to speak with a sales representative) between the hours of 10 AM and 7 PM EST (excluding holidays).