تنزيل "تقارير تفاصيل المدفوعات" الشاملة

تتيح لك أداة "مدير مطعم أوبر إيتس" عرض مُلخصات الإيرادات الحالية والسابقة وتنزيلها بسهولة. يوفر تقرير تفاصيل المدفوعات بيانات دفع شاملة للإبلاغ بشكل أكثر عمقاً عن مواقع فردية أو متعددة.

لتنزيل "تقارير تفاصيل المدفوعات" الشاملة:

  1. انتقِل إلى "مدير مطعم أوبر إيتس"، restaurant.uber.com، من أي جهاز كمبيوتر
  2. سجِّل الدخول مُستخدماً اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور ورقم التعريف الشخصي (PIN)
  3. اختر "التقارير" من القائمة اليمنى
  4. حدِّد زر طلب التقارير في أعلى يسار صفحة "سِجِل الطلبات"
  5. اختر نوع التقرير (التقارير) التي ترغب في تنزيلها، ونطاق التاريخ، والموقع (المواقع). بعد ذلك، يصبح زر الطلب قابلاً للنقر. لتنزيل PDR، اختر أنواع التقارير: تفاصيل الدفع أو تفاصيل الدفع (مستوى الصنف).
  6. يمكنك اختيار ما يصل إلى 31 يوماً من البيانات في المرة الواحدة لتقرير تفاصيل المدفوعات و15 يوماً لتقرير تفاصيل المدفوعات (مستوى الصنف). تتوفر تقارير تفاصيل الدفع في غضون دقائق من وقت الطلب. ومع ذلك، إذا اخترت التقارير المالية والتشغيلية في طلب واحد، ستتمكن من الاختيار حتى التاريخ الحالي للتقرير المالي، لكن ستنتهي بيانات التقرير التشغيلي قبل يومين.
  7. إذا كان لدى المستخدم عضوية في مواقع متعددة، يمكنه تحديد المتاجر التي يريد تضمينها في التقرير (التقارير)
  8. بعد طلب تقرير ما، يمكنك الاطِّلاع على حالته في صفحة "سِجِل الطلبات" في "قسم التقارير"، وستتلقَّى إشعاراً عبر البريد الإلكتروني على العنوان المُسجَّل لحساب مدير مطعم أوبر إيتس عندما يكون التقرير جاهزاً للتنزيل.
  9. بعد تلقي الإشعار، ارجع إلى علامة تبويب التقارير عبر تطبيق مدير مطعم أوبر إيتس. سيوجِّهك هذا إلى سِجِل الطلبات، الذي يعرض جميع التقارير المطلوبة مسبقاً وحالتها.
  10. اضغط على زر التنزيل في عمود الإجراءات بجوار أحد التقارير ليتم تنزيله كملف بتنسيق CSV.

للاطِّلاع على المزيد من مُلخصات الإيرادات الأسبوعية العامة وتنزيلها، اضغط هنا.

Updated Terms (United States)

Store Name: Store name as listed in Uber Eats Manager

Store ID: External store ID as listed in Uber Eats Manager

Order ID: Order ID as listed in Uber Eats Manager

Workflow ID: Unique ID to identify the order

Dining Mode: The mode of order fulfillment, whether it was delivery by courier via Uber network, delivery by merchant, Pick-up by customer, or Dine-in

Payment Mode: Mode of payment used for order payment

Order Channel: The platform from which the customer ordered (i.e. iOS, Android, Uber Eats Web)

Order Status: Completed (customer received food), Canceled (order canceled by customer or support), Refund (customer was refunded for order), or Unfulfilled (order was not able to be completed)

Order Date: Local date the order was placed, or local date of the original order placed for which there was a refund

Order Accept Time: Local time stamp for when you accepted an order

Customer Membership Status: Uber membership status of the customer who placed the order

Sales (excluding tax): Total item sales excluding tax

Tax on Sales: Tax on total item sales

Sales (including tax): Total item sales including tax

Price Adjustments (excluding tax): Adjustments you’ve made to the price of items once an order has been placed (excluding tax)

Tax on Price Adjustments: Tax on in-store price adjustments

Promotions on items: Promotions you’ve applied to orders

Tax on Promotions on items: Tax on promotions you’ve applied to orders

Promotions on delivery: Promotions you’ve applied to the delivery fee charged to customers

Tax on Promotions on delivery: Tax on promotions you’ve applied to the delivery fee charged to customers

Bag Fee: Fee charged to the customer for the packaging material

Marketing adjustment: Amount you charge Uber for co-funded marketing campaigns

Total Sales after Adjustments (including tax): Total item sales, including promotions, adjustments, and bag fees (including tax where applicable)

Marketplace fee: The fee Uber charges you to make your store visible to potential customers, provide support, and other related services (percentage fee is applied to order sub-totals before discounts)

Marketplace fee %: The Marketplace fee percentage charged by Uber

Delivery Network Fee: Fixed Fee charged to merchants by Uber for using Uber’s delivery network

Order Processing Fee: Fee charged to you by Uber on orders made through the Webshop Online Ordering Sales Channel

Merchant Fee: Service fee you charge to customers

Tax on Merchant Fee: Tax on service fee charged by you to customers

Tips: Tips from customers to couriers (if you perform your own deliveries)

Other payments: All miscellaneous payments, like Ad payments, Ad credits, etc. (inclusive of tax)

Other payments description: Description of one-time payments/charges from Uber

Marketplace Facilitator Tax: Sales tax that Uber Eats is required to pay in jurisdictions with marketplace facilitator laws

Backup Withholding Tax: As required by the IRS, a percentage withheld from payments if the EIN/TIN is missing or does not match IRS records

Total payout: Total payout associated with an order (negative if associated with a refund)

Payout Date: Date payout initiated by Uber (generally the Monday following the prior week)

Markup Amount: Amount commercially agreed to between you and Uber that is added on a per item basis and charged to the customer on the merchant’s behalf

Markup Tax: Applicable taxes due on the Markup Amount

Retailer Loyalty ID: ID from retailers used to identify retailer loyalty customers

Payout reference ID: The reference ID for identifying the payout related to an order in the Payout Summary Report CSV

Updated Terms (Canada)

Store Name: Store name as listed in Uber Eats Manager

Store ID: External store ID as listed in Uber Eats Manager

Order ID: Order ID as listed in Uber Eats Manager

Workflow ID: Unique ID to identify the order

Order Date: Local date the order was placed, or local date of the original order placed for which there was a refund

Order Accept Time: Local time stamp for when you accepted an order

Dining Mode: The mode of order fulfillment, whether is was delivery by courier via Uber network, delivery by merchant, Pick-up by customer, or Dine-in

Payment Mode: Mode of payment used for order payment

Order Channel: The platform from which the customer ordered (i.e. iOS, Android, Uber Eats Web)

Order Status: Completed (customer received food), Canceled (order canceled by customer or support, Refund (customer was refunded for order), or Unfulfilled (order was not able to be completed)

Customer Membership Status: Uber membership status of the customer who placed the order

Sales (excluding tax): Total item sales excluding tax

Tax on Sales: Tax on total item sales

Price Adjustments (excluding tax): Adjustments you’ve made to the price of items once an order has been placed (excluding tax)

Tax on Price Adjustments: Tax on in-store price adjustments

GST/HST on Sales: Goods and Sales Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax on item sales

PST on Sales: Provincial Sales Tax on item sales (where applicable) as per applicable tax laws

QST on Sales: Quebec Sales Tax on item sales (applicable in Quebec) as per applicable tax laws

RST on Sales: Retail Sales Tax on item sales (applicable in Manitoba) as per applicable tax laws

Promotions on items: Promotions you’ve applied to orders

Tax on Promotions on items: Tax on promotions you’ve applied to orders

Promotions on delivery: Promotions you’ve applied to the delivery fee charged to customers

Tax on Promotions on delivery: Tax on promotions you’ve applied to the delivery fee charged to customers

Marketing adjustment: Amount you charge Uber for co-funded marketing campaigns

Markup Amount: Amount commercially agreed to between you and Uber that is added on a per item basis and charged to the customer on the merchant’s behalf

GST/HST on Markup: Applicable GST/HST due on the Markup Amount

QST on Markup: Applicable QST due on the Markup Amount

PST on Markup: Applicable PST due on the Markup Amount

Sub-total: Total item sales, including promotions, adjustments, and bag fees (including tax where applicable)

Delivery Fee: Fee charged by you to customers for delivery (excluding tax). Only relevant for self-delivery orders.

Tax on Delivery Fee: Tax on delivery fee. Only relevant for self-delivery orders.

GST/HST on Delivery Fee: Goods and Sales Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax on Delivery Fee. Only relevant for self-delivery orders.

PST on Delivery Fee: Provincial Sales Tax on Delivery Fee (where applicable). Only relevant for self-delivery orders.

QST on Delivery Fee: Quebec Sales Tax on Delivery Fee (applicable in Quebec). Only relevant for self-delivery orders.

RST on Delivery Fee: Retail Sales Tax on Delivery Fee (applicable in Manitoba). Only relevant for self-delivery orders.

Bag Fee: Fee charged to the customer for the packaging material

Total Order (including tax): Total item sales, including promotions, adjustments, bag fees, and delivery fees (for self-delivery orders), including tax (where applicable)

Cost of Delivery (excluding tax): Cost of delivery (i.e. courier fare) (excluding tax)

Tax on Cost of Delivery: Tax on courier fare (where applicable)

GST/HST on Cost of Delivery: Goods and Sales Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax on Cost of Delivery

PST on Cost of Delivery: Provincial Sales Tax on Cost of Delivery (where applicable)

QST on Cost of Delivery: Quebec Sales Tax on Cost of Delivery

RST on Cost of Delivery: Retail Sales Tax on Cost of Delivery (applicable in Manitoba)

Total Cost of Delivery (including tax): Cost of delivery (i.e. courier fate) (including tax)

Marketplace fee: The fee Uber charges you to make your store visible to potential customers, provide support, and other related services (percentage fee is applied to order sub-totals before discounts)

Marketplace fee discount: Discount applied to Uber’s service fee. Occurs when cost of delivery is greater than the delivery fee (where applicable).

Tax on Marketplace fee: Total Tax on Uber Service Fee charged to you

GST/HST on Marketplace fee: Goods and Sales Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax on Uber Service Fee charged to you

PST on Marketplace fee: Provincial Sales Tax on Uber Service Fee charged to you

QST on Marketplace fee: Quebec Sales Tax on Uber Service Fee charged to you (applicable in Quebec)

RST on Marketplace Fee: Retail Sales Tax on Uber Service Fee charged to you (applicable in Manitoba)

Service fee (Markup): Additional consideration Uber charges you equal to the amount of Markup

GST/HST on Service Fee (Markup): Applicable GST/HST due on the Service Fee (Markup)

QST on Service Fee (Markup): Applicable QST due on the Service Fee (Markup)

PST on Service Fee (Markup): Applicable PST due on the Service Fee (Markup)

GST/HST on Ads Sales: Goods and Sales Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax on Advertising fee charged to you by Uber

QST on Ads Spend: Quebec Sales Tax on Advertising fee charged to you by Uber (applicable in Quebec)

PST on Ads Spend: Provincial Sales tax on Advertising fee charged to you by Uber

GST/HST on Ads Credit: Goods and Sales Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax on Advertising credit provided to you by Uber

QST on Ads Credit: Quebec Sales Tax on Advertising credit provided to you by Uber (applicable in Quebec)

PST on Ads Credit: Provincial Sales Tax on Advertising credit provided to you by Uber

Profit on Delivery fee: Where delivery fee is greater than cost of delivery (equal to delivery fee minus the cost of delivery)

Tips: Tips from customers to couriers (if you perform your own deliveries)

Other payments: All miscellaneous payments, like Ad payments, Ad credits, etc. (inclusive of tax)

Other payments description: Description of one-time payments/charges from Uber

Marketplace Facilitator Tax: Sales tax that Uber Eats is required to pay in jurisdictions with marketplace facilitator laws

Total payout: Total payout associated with an order (negative if associated with a refund)

Payout Date: Date payout initiated by Uber (generally the Monday following the prior week)

Payout Status: Paid (payment has been sent to bank), Pending (payment has been created in our system), Rejected by Bank (the receiving bank account has not accepted the payment)

Invoice link U2R: Link to the Uber to Restaurant invoice PDF

Invoice link C2R: Link to the Courier to Restaurant invoice PDF

Invoice link R2E: Link to the Restaurant to Customer invoice PDF

Retailer Loyalty ID: ID from retailers used to identify retailer loyalty customers

Payout reference ID: ID for identifying the payout related to an order in the Payout Summary Report CSV