تعرَّض طلبي للتلف

Use this page if you have food quality issues. If you have other issues with the food you received, please click on the most relevant link below:

If you were not happy with the quality of your food, please give the restaurant direct feedback by rating them on the UberEats app. You can do so by tapping ‘Orders’ at the bottom of your app (it looks like a small receipt), then tapping ‘Rate Order’ next to the delivery confirmation.

Please leave a review if:

  • The portion size was smaller than expected
  • You were unhappy with the taste or preparation of the food
  • The food was too hot or too cold

Your ratings are an important way for Uber Eats to ensure that we partner with only the highest quality restaurants.

Once you’ve submitted your information we’ll assess whether you’re eligible for a refund.