Myslím, že se mi někdo naboural do účtu

If you suspect that someone else used your Uber Eats account or there is suspicious account activity, your account may be compromised.

Suspicious activity includes:
- Orders placed on your account you didn't make
- Completed orders on your account you didn't order
- Receipts for orders on your account that you don't recognize
- Charges for orders did not recognize (not authorization hold from bank)
- Account changes that you didn't make
- Password or email attached to your account updated without your knowledge

If you are able to sign in to your account, you should reset your password.

To do this:
1. Select 'Account' from your app menu
2. tab 'Help'
3. Tap Account and Payment Options> Account Settings > I forgot my password
3. Follow the instructions to create a new and unique password

If you have an unrecognised charge on your account, please click on the link below

  • 🇺🇸
    Pošleme sem automatickou zprávu, aby se potvrdilo, že se skutečně jedná o tebe. Pro spojení se členem našeho týmu zprávu otevři a vyber Potvrdit e-mailovou adresu. Píšeš z: