I can't sign in to my account

To get you back into your account as quickly as possible, please select the link below that most closely relates to the issue you're facing.
If you haven't forgotten your password, here are the top three reasons you might not be able to sign in to your account: - Accidentally having more than one rider account - You changed the account details or password on your driver account (this will automatically change your rider account too) - Your contact details are already in use or you cannot update them yourself
Your privacy and security is our top priority, that's why we need additional information to verify your account. The more accurate your details are, the faster we can resolve your issue. In many cases, riders have duplicate accounts and this is easily fixed. We simply need your preferred phone number and email address, and your permission to combine the accounts in order to retain all your trip history and any credits or rewards you have.
If you think you might know why you cant sign in, please select one of the following:
  • 🇺🇸
    An automated message will be sent here to confirm this is really you. Please open it and choose "Confirm email address" to be connected with a member of our team. Writing in from