Disputar un informe de verificación de antecedentes

If you received a background check report that you believe contains inaccurate or incomplete information, please contact the background check provider:

  • Checkr: Please contact Checkr by replying to the email you received or by visiting the Checkr Candidate Portal and reporting an error. If it has been more than one year since your report was completed, you’ll need to contact Checkr’s support team.
  • HireRight: You can learn more about the dispute process.
  • Samba Safety: You can learn more about the dispute process.

The background check provider is not involved in the partnership decision. Uber makes a decision based on the report (or amended report) they provide. This decision is final and cannot be disputed.

The background check provider can only help with a dispute if the information in your background check report is inaccurate or incomplete.