Artículos agotados y reemplazos

Out-of-stock items and replacements

When an item you’re shopping for is out of stock:

  1. Tap on the item in your app.
  2. Select Unavailable to see the customer’s preferred action.

When an item is out-of-stock, we suggest you to handle it as follows based on customer’s item replacement preference:

  • If prompted to select a substitute, the customer is open to suggestions. Pick an item from the recommended list or find a similar item in the store in terms of quality and price. Tap Select a different item take a photo, and send it to the customer for their choice. Wait for their response to approve or reject your suggestion.

  • If the app directs you to a specific substitute, and it’s available, include that item in the order. If not, the item should be removed from the list.

  • When the app allows, mark the item as “Unavailable” and choose Delete item to proceed with the next item on the list without needing further confirmation. The customer won’t be charged for any item removed.

If you find that all items are unavailable, you can cancel the order, and the customer will receive a full refund. In case of any doubt, feel free to communicate with the customer by sending them a message through the app

Suggesting replacements

When suggesting replacements for out-of-stock items, consider:

  • Similar brand
  • Comparable quality
  • Matching quantity
  • Similar or lower price

Always suggest alternatives that are equal in price or cheaper than the original item.

Once you send a suggestion, you’ll see “Replacement sent to User for review” in the item details page. This will be visible in the “Pending” section at the top of your shopping list

Replacing an item in an order

  1. Go to the shopping list
  2. Click on the item that you found a replacement for.
  3. Follow the in-app instructions to send the replacement item to the customer for approval.
  4. If the customer accepts the replacement, follow in-app instructions to mark the item as found. Else proceed to remove that item from the order

If customer doesn’t respond to offered replacements:

  • You can mark the item as found if customer’s replacement choice is “Best match” and the item you have found is a closest/best match. Else, remove the item from the order.
  • Finish your shopping trip as usual.
  • The customer won’t be charged for any items not included in the final purchase.

Removing an item from an order

  1. Go to the shopping list
  2. Click on the item that you did not find a replacement for.
  3. Follow the in-app instructions to remove the item from the order
  4. You can always reverse this action by going to the item and adding it back again
  5. Remember, the customer isn’t charged for items that are removed from the list.

Important tips

  • You should attempt to deliver the order even if one item is found, unless customer cancels directly.
  • If the all the item a customer ordered are out of stock and have no replacements, you can follow the in-app instruction to cancel the order by marking all the items as not found.
  • If you’re still having difficulties with finding items, or need further assistance, please contact support by using the chat or call option on the top right side of the app in the shoppist list page.
  • You can also use Trip support under “Help and support” in the main trip screen to seek any assistance on a live trip issue.