Uber Direct - Preguntas frecuentes de Registro Automático

How Can I Sign in to Uber Direct?

If you want to start delivering with Uber Direct, please sign in to the next link, where you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • The name of your company.
  • Location.
  • Enterprise Type.
  • Administrator Name and last name.
  • Email.
  • Phone number.

For more information, please follow the next Sign Up Guide

My location is not showing automatically

In the case your store address is not set correctly automatically, you can always add it manually by selecting the button “insert manually” and adding your street name, city, and postal code. Then through the shown map, mark the exact location of your store, so the delivery partners will be able to find you faster.

The One-time password was not received

  • Check that the email address in the Dashboard is correct.
  • Please check your spam, junk, and other folders for the email containing your one-time password.
  • If it’s still not received, click the Resend option, then look for the email again in your inbox, spam, junk, and other folders.
  • If still not received, please fill the next form.

Merchant is having technical issues through the SSU Onboarding

If the Merchant is phasing a technical issue through the SSU funnel and cannot move forward with their onboarding, support will instruct them to follow along the next troubleshooting steps:

  1. Close your browser and open the Direct Self Sign Up page in the recommended browsers.
  2. Clear Cache.
  3. Review if currently there is Uber Operation in the selected City.

If there is another type of error that you have when registering your merchant, fill in the following form.