Proceso de verificación

We want to make sure your information is protected! In order to do this, users added to your Uber Eats Manager account will have different verification levels according to the roles that are assigned to them in Uber Eats Manager.

This means when you or one of your staff members contact us, we will share the right information with the right people. Users added to your Uber Eats Manager account have 3 different verification levels.

These verification levels include:

  • High Verification
  • Medium Verification
  • Low Verification

In the listings below, we will describe each verification level with role examples as well as what those users can authorize.

Roles considered “High Verified User” include:

  • Admin

High Verified Users can:

  • Contact Uber Eats and immediately receive support when requesting any account changes
  • Receive communication from Uber Eats to approve account changes requested by other users. This includes account changes requested by other users not listed in the Uber Eats Manager account
  • Approve the addition of new users and new roles
  • Approve change of roles for existing users
  • Provide operational licenses, such as food or alcohol permits, if needed or requested
  • Provide access to sensitive account information
  • Request information on receiving payments
  • Request information on safety (or Account Deactivations)
  • High Verified Users can add as many email addresses as necessary. After the employee is added to the account, they will receive an email inviting them to login and start using the Uber Eats Manager.

Roles considered “Medium Verified User” include:

  • Manager

Medium Verified Users can:

  • Request information and make operational changes in the account (non-financial)

Roles considered “Low Verified User” include:

  • Staff
  • All other unverified users

Low Verified Users can:

  • Request information on Live Order issues
  • Request support for troubleshooting non-account issues

NOTE: “Medium” and “Low” Verified Users may not be able to receive immediate assistance for account changes unless Uber Eats Support receives written confirmation with approval from High Verified Users.

Users can also be added and edited by following these steps:

  1. Login to your Uber Eats Manager
  2. Click “Users” on the left
  3. Click “+ Add user”
  4. Input the user’s email address
  5. Choose a roll for the user, then click “Add” at the bottom