Cómo consultar y descargar los resúmenes de ganancias semanales actuales y anteriores

The Uber Eats Manager tool lets you view and download your current and previous weekly payment statements. Pay statements include all completed orders between 12 AM on Monday and 12 AM on Monday of the previous week. Payments are issued mid-week and refer to the previous week’s sales.

Log in to your Uber Eats Manager:

  1. Navigate to your Uber Eats Manager - restaurant.uber.com - from a computer
  2. Sign in with your username, password and PIN
  3. Select PAYMENTS from the left hand menu
  4. A summary of the pay period by week and day appears at the top of the page. Scroll down and click individual orders for details

To view a past week’s sales:

  1. Follow the steps above
  2. Select the PAY PERIOD date range (automatically set by week)

To download a payment statement:

  1. Follow the steps above to view either the current or past week’s pay statement
  2. Select the green DOWNLOAD CSV button
  3. Select from one of three options in the dropdown:
    • Daily Summary - A combined summary of your sales, taxes and payout for each day of the week
    • Weekly Pay Summary - High-level order-by-order order-by-order breakdown of each payment from the week, including order number, date and time, tax, subtotal, fees, adjustments and net payout (for a full explanation of data, see below)
    • Payment Details Report - A custom comprehensive report of up to 31 days of detailed financial information about each order for more in-depth reconciliations.
  4. Open the downloaded CSV file to view the statement details

Weekly Pay Summary

Here’s a summary of what all of the different columns in your weekly pay summary mean:

  • Orders ID - Order ID as per restaurant manager.
  • Date - The date and timestamp of the order.
  • Sales - The cost of the order before the tax or Uber service fee is applied.
  • Tax - Sales tax is charged to the customer on each order, and then the full sales tax amount is always remitted back to the store with each week’s payment.
  • Total - The total of the order, including sales tax.
  • Adjustments - This includes any adjustments made by the store to orders. (Example: +$1.00 for extra bacon.)
  • Uber Fee - This is the Uber Service Fee that is applied to each order. The fee percentage is applied to the order subtotal, before tax is added. The fee amount is then subtracted from the Order total (the subtotal plus tax).
  • Misc - Miscellaneous payments are typically anything charged by Uber. This may include the activation fee charged for joining the Uber Eats as well as Data tablet fees.
  • Net Payout - This sum equals the tax and Uber fee of your total sales subtracted from your total sales for the week